The Corinthian church had those gifts, but was not spiritual 1 Corinthians 3:1-4
Spiritual is: being in tune with the Holy Spirit, displaying His gifts.
The Fruit of the Spirit: Galatians 5:22
Love as the most excellent way: 1 Corinthians 13
The gift of the Holy Spirit is different as He chooses.
When converted, natural gifts could be used by the Spirit 1 Corinthians 12:4-7
God does not use the gifts. He uses you.
Every Christian is unique.
There are many gifts: 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 1 Corinthians 12:28-30, Romans 12:7-8, Ephesians 4:7-13
We all have natural talents and gifts. We all NEED fruit of the Spiritual.
Anointing (comes easily) to preach or play an instrument.
1 Corinthians 12
Anointing of wisdom - Intelligent use of knowledge.
Tongue/what to say, Tact/how to say, timing/when to speak
Anointing of the presence of mind of the Spirit : Impartial, unbiased, liberty.
Anointing of knowledge - Based on revelation/insight to spiritual knowledge.
To help us as Christians - Teaching or a specific word to a person
Anointing of faith in extreme trial James 1:2 or during Satanic attack Ephesians 6:10-20
Faith to carry out an exceptional task - given by God to those in need.
Anointing of healing: As Jesus healed. Impossible to man, possible to God.
Anointing of miracles: Cannot be explained naturally. Prayer answered.
Gradual or sudden: Exorcism or healing
Anointing of prophecy : Revelation from God, or knowledge beyond sense.
Preaching relevant to a need, a specific word for a specific person.
Anointing of discernment: Of demonic, of the old nature, of the Holy Spirit
Counter the counterfeit : to recognise the Holy Spirit Himself
Anointing of speaking in tongues: Prayer language in worshiping God
Interceding Romans 8:26, Ephesians 6:18 Opposing Satan.
Anointing of interpretation: reveal a meaning and applying it, like prophecy.
Anointing of helping others: Helping people in need
Anointing of leadership: like piloting a ship. Natural as well as spiritual ability
What is Spirituality?
Affirm the Christian faith, the Trinity, the inspired, infallible Word of God,the Bible, the all important person of the Son & Spirit.
Spirituality – is being in tune with the Holy Spirit.
Not grieving Him Ephesians 4:30 Doing what He wants you to do.  
Making Him feel relaxed and at home in you. Your most important relationship both ways.
Living now and always. Knowing Him now and always. In tune with Him.
All Christians should be filled with the Holy Spirit and display His fruit Ephesians 5:18
Christ must be formed in Christians Galatians 4:19 (contrary to the natural man)
Some are called worldly, not spiritual 1 Corinthians 3:1 They needed 1 Corinthians 13 (love)
Fruit of the Holy Spirit: is the result of obedience.
Walk in the Light and the Spirit Galatians 5:16, 1 John 1:7
Not gratifying the desires of the sinful nature Romans 13:14
Be open to the Spirit. Accepting His rebuke and chastening. Living in the God-given light.
Tuning into God’s love 1 John 4:16-18
Relying on God’s love.
Faith first.
I looked to Christ and the dove flew in, I looked to the dove and it disappeared. The Dove is the Holy Spirit. He focuses our attention on Christ, rather than on Himself.
We rest in the love of God and that He loves us 1 John 4:10.
1 Corinthians 13 is what love is, is what Jesus is. It keeps no record of wrongs. Or hurts.
It is how God acts towards us
Psalm 103:12 He no longer remembers. The Holy Spirit feels at home.
Bitterness is gone Ephesians 4:31
The pointing finger is gone Isaiah 58:9
You can think clearly 2 Timothy 1:7 Peace returns Philippians 4:7
Discernment of the truth 1 Corinthians 2:9-15 The Spirit of Truth. It is free of error John 7:17
The Holy Spirit leads to the truth John 14:26, John 16:13 He glorifies Christ.
He hates false doctrine and the occult of the devil.
We must be theological sound and be the home of the Trinity
Spirituality is progressive from the ABC of Hebrews 6:1-2 to the values of the Spirit 1 Corinthians 2:10
- Repentance and faith, Christ’s death & faith in it, Baptism & laying on of hands, final resurrection and judgement.
"High School": You gain insight 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 You will be revealed truths by the Spirit.
God’s thoughts which only the Holy Spirit knows, is seen in two ways.
Understanding is given to us 1 Corinthians 2:12 and what He continues to show 1 Corinthians 2:13
He only shows us what is already in the Bible, fresh revelations of old truths.
Sanctification 2 Thessalonians 2:13 We are being made holy, set apart.
It is a holy calling 2 Timothy 1:9,
We are to keep changing Ephesians 4:22-23,
We are saved from sin Matthew 1:21,
We are called to be moral 1 Thessalonians 4:3,
We are to have a change of life Romans 6,
We are to receive a reward 2 Corinthians 5:10,
Not gratifying the desires of the old sinful nature.
To be pleasing God you need to be keeping His commands John 14:15
By faith, we are pleasing Him in all we do 1 Thessalonians 2:12
We must be sensitive to the needs of others 1 John 4:20
We should be caring for others James 1:27
We show faith to others by caring James 2:14
The Love of God is shown by pity 1 John 3:17, and caring for the backslider Galatians 6:1
It is assigned only to the spiritual who will act in love.
Not self-righteous, but meekly, knowing the same could happen to you.
A relationship with the Holy Spirit is to be sensitive to How He feels, obeying what He says, and imitating Jesus (who did what He was told by the Father, and in the way the Father wanted).
Sinners felt welcome in the presence of Jesus.
We need the Holy Spirit.